Photography of black and white art.Edition signed and numbered in 9 copies

Editions of signed and numbered arts

All the photos proposed on the site are numbered and signed.
The editions are limited to 9 copies maximum, any sizes and confused supports.

Every photography is numbered and signed by the hand. She appears on the front or on the back of the work and a certificate of authenticity ARTrust affixed to the back.

The editions are exclusively realized with ink carbon in the pigments of coal. ( PIEZOGRAPHY)

All the photos proposed on the site have the tax status of work of art.
( Article 98 Has of the appendix III of the general Code of the French taxes).


Le cube

The UrbaineVue

Passerelle suspendue réalisée par G.Eiffel (1867).Parc des buttes-chaumont Paris 19ème

The buttes-Chaumont


Les gondoliers


Le géant

The Sicile
